BS EN ISO 11623 updated

The standard for periodic inspection and testing of composite cylinders has been updated, the current version is now BS EN ISO 11623:2023 (Gas
cylinders. Composite cylinders and tubes. Periodic inspection and testing). The previous 2015 version is ‘withdrawn’.

The main changes are as follows:

  • revision of the Scope to include cylinders and tubes with a water capacity up to 3,000 litres;
  • modification of Table 1 to separate abrasion damage based on water capacity of the cylinder;
  • clarification that a transparent sleeve may be left in place during inspection (7.1.3);
  • clarification on the use of tare during inspection.

All centres undertaking PI or PIAT of composite cylinders should take steps to update their standards library to the current version.

Nicholas Clark

IDEST Inspector and CCR Trimix diver

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